Also known as Trow (Shetland Islands)
Trolls are not always little people--in many tales, they are larger and
stronger than humans. But they are close relatives of dwarfs, and small
breeds do exist. They are often depicted as ugly and malicious, but in
some traditions they are helpful to humans. Like dwarfs, they live in
hills. They are very wealthy, and they have a tendency to steal--cows are
their favorite loot. They are also known to steal human women to act as
wet nurses for their babies, and they will steal unbaptized babies and
replace them with changelings. According to traditions in the Shetland
Islands, trolls are very beautiful--they wear green, can travel on air,
and they love music and dancing. They are good doctors, who sometimes
assist humans.
The Trows Steal
a Child
A Swedish
Changeling Story
The Death of
a Troll
A Troll Steals a
Human Midwife
Kneightley, Thomas. The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves, and
Other Little People. New York: Avenel Books, 1978.
Mythica: Troll