Also known as Duergar (Scandanavian Edda)
Dwarfs are a race of small stocky men, related to trolls and gnomes,
who live in the ground and only come to earth's surface at night. They
are renowned for their skill as metallurgists and craftsmen--they make
many beautiful, and often magical, items that far surpass human
capabilities. They are very wealthy, but that doesn't keep them from
stealing from humans. Dwarfs dislike loud noise because they have bad
memories of the Norse god Thor throwing his huge hammer at them. The
sound of church bells, in particular, scares them away. There are three
different races of Dwarf--the White, who are beautiful, gentle creatures
who make finery from silver and gold in the winter and play above-ground
in the guise of animals in the summer, dancing to beautiful music; the
Brown, who are very short and handsome metallurgists, fond of dancing at
night and playing tricks on lazy servants; and the Black, who are ugly,
evil creatures who are skilled at making arms and armor, especially
chainmail, and hate to leave the solitude of their hills.
The Norse Creation
Myth--Dwarfs are created, forming out of maggots in Ymir's rotting
Dwarf Changeling Story
The Death of the Seven
Dwarfs--A very different version of the Snow White story.
The Disappearance of
Dwarfs Explained in German Legends
Kneightley, Thomas. The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves, and
Other Little People. New York: Avenel Books, 1978.
Mythica: Dwarf
Other Sites of Interest
Encyclopedia of Arda: Dwarfs--A page about Tolkien's